MacHack 1994
MacHack 1994.toast
MacHack™ 1987-1994
MacHack™ '87
Utilities ƒ
Text Editors ƒ
FastEddie2Ltd ƒ
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Text File
163 lines
FastEddie2 © Daniel Grossbard 1986
FastEd2.doc2 (a continuation of FastEd2.doc1):
• file insertion:
• choosing a file from the windows menu with <cmd> will insert
the selected file into the active one at the insertion point
• "find, change..." (search menu) will search forward or backward, globally
or locally, with or without case sensitivity, for a word or a string, with
or without wild cards .. and it will wrap around the top or bottom of the
file or files
• any selected text is automatically placed in the find buffer
• if "find, change..." is invoked from the keyboard and the appropriate
buffers (find and/or change) are full, the command is executed
immediately; otherwise a dialog is invoked
• keyboard equivalents of the various "find, change..." commands are
listed in the dialog (which is always invoked by choosing
"find, change..." from the search menu)
• wildcards * and ? are supported as are \n for newline and \t for tab
wildcards are treated literally in "previous" searches
• "\" surpresses the special meaning of the following wildcard or "\"
• "Move over" (display menu) will shift the selected lines of text,
depending on where the selection begins:
• The first character in the first selected line is moved to
the start of the selection. All other selected lines are
moved the same amount (or as far left as they can go).
• With no selection the first character in the line with the
insertion point is moved to the selection point.
• "cHange case" (display menu) will reverse the case of the
selected text, or:
• with <Shift> it will lower the case, or
• with <CapsLock> it will upper the case.
• the Enter key will cause a non destructive scroll to the
selected text, or
• with <cmd> it will move the insertion point and scroll to
the end of the file,
• with <cmd><Shift> it will select from the insertion point
to the end of the file
• with <Option> it will move the insertion point and scroll
to the top of the file,
• with <Option><Shift> it will select from the insertion
point to the top of the file & scroll to top of the file,
• with <Option><cmd> it will scroll horizontally until the
insertion point is at left edge of its window
• "Open" (file menu) is selection dependent:
• if a file name is selected it will be opened, otherwise the
standard dialog will be invoked.
• "Line number..." (search menu) will scroll to and select the
line number you choose.
• "undo" (edit menu) will undo the immediately preceeding
deleting keystroke or Paste
• more key combinations for shortcuts:
• horizonal scroll:
• <cmd><Option><Enter> scrolls selection to left margin
• <cmd><Option><Backspace> scrolls half screen left
• <cmd><Option><Return> returns to original position
• copy selection and paste it to cursor position with
• cut selection and paste it to cursor positon with
• delete by selecting with <cmd>
• back TAB (move selection to previous tab stop) with
• delete next character with <cmd><Backspace>
• delete to end of previous word with <Shift><Backspace>
• delete to end of next word with <cmd><Shift><Backspace>
• temporarily toggle aUto indent with
<cmd><Return> (if its off its turned on and vise versa)
• temporarily toggle scroll sync with <cmd> while scrolling
• insert the date with <cmd><Option>T
• insert the day of the week with <cmd><Option><Shift>T
• insert the time with <cmd><Option><Shift><CapsLock>T
• move cursor with arrow keys and optional <option>.. (extend selection
with <Shift>) .. or use <cmd><option>:
• left one space J
• right one space L
• down one line ,
• up one line I
• back one word M
• forward one word .
• beginning of line U
• end of line O
• change this configuration to whatever you like with FastUser()
• temporarily toggle intelligent (aka "smart") cut with <Shift>
• temporarily toggle intelligent (aka "smart") paste with <Shift>
The sample FastGloss file included on your FastEddie2 disk contains a
header which describes the required format for FastGloss. Here is a
copy of that header, plus a few sample entries:
This is a sample FastGloss file. It consists of
• glossary codes
('t', 'q', 'b', 'f', ..., 'dg', ...)
• and replacement strings
('the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', ..., 'Daniel Grossbard', ...)
In general, a glossary code is recognized by two preceeding consecutive
Returns and a following space or Return. Replacement strings follow
their code and can be any size on any number of lines. To put a
blank line in a replacement string put some blanks on the line so
that it will not be seen as introducing a new glossary code.
Once FastGloss is on the default disk, simply press <cmnd>G (or choose
"Glossary" from the search menu) after each string you wish replaced,
or set "glossary is automatic" in the options menu (when glossary
is automatic FastGloss is searched after every space, return, or
punctuation). Modifications to FastGloss go into effect immediately.
t the
q quick
b brown
f fox
j jumps
o over
dg Daniel Grossbard
Cottage Software
PO Box 200308
Austin, Texas 78720-308